Imagine this: Imagine you're in the market to buy a brand new car. Let's say you had the money to buy a brand new luxury car. Let's say the car that's voted "The Sexiest Car of 2012" which is the Lamborghini Aventador with a price tag of $374,000. You go to the dealer and tell them you want to buy the car with $374,000 IN CASH. And the dealer said today they're having a special for cars bought with cash and you can buy the car for 50% off. That's in instant $187,000 in savings!!! BUT with one exception: This beautiful machine, girl magnet, fully loaded, muscle powered piece of art comes with a 1995 Toyota Corolla engine. Uh OH - "We gotta a problem Houston, there is NO lift off!" Yes it's like having a rocket with no fuel, a power tool with no power, a cannon with no gun powder. Jelqing will 100% help you to get the SIZE you want but also because of the increased blood flow to your genital area it will give you the rocket fuel you need to have powerful explosions and rock solid erections to go along with it.
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
Brilliant Lamborghini Aventador
The best to ensure that you understand exactly what you're doing and respect the exercises since you respect yourself. This is not play time with yourself, this is serious business as it pertains to your health and well-being. The problem is that a ton of men are quick to check out this exercise with no real clue of the right way to perform it properly. This could lead to little to no gains and possible injury and damage. That's obviously something you don't want, right? Another big issue is he possible gains that you have heard about. Unfortunately there are many people that make it as if you will surely have this huge increase in size like a foot. So not true. The reality is it is possible to expect an additional 1-4 inch gains over several months to a year. Jelqing takes time and patience, in case you expect instant results than you might be better off not starting this exercise. It can take around 20 minutes daily to complete the exercises and produce results. It is possible. There's not a point in thinking more is a lot better that is certainly a case of less is much better considering that the exercise takes a slight toll on your organ for a while in an attempt of building it up.